
Improving Health

Developing Leaders

Creating Change

Quotation Mark

“This fellowship was the first time I was able to create and implement my own community project.…There are things that I never thought I would feel comfortable doing until this year, like asking for grants, meeting with important Tulsa leaders and asking for their support, or even saying what’s wrong with our Tulsa community… The Schweitzer program has expanded my range of options and ideas for my professional track and specialty, which is very exciting!” —Ekene Ezenwa, Fellow for Life, 2017-2018

Tulsa Fellows and Projects

Sarah Brubaker


Project Site: Tulsa County Social Services

Sarah is working with the unhoused population and their family and friend networks to experience dignified burial and funeral experiences.

Kristy Chong + Saramarie Azzun


Project Site: Women In Recovery

Kristy and Saramarie will support participants to balance dietary management with related stress and mental health and financial concerns. This project uses the “Around the Table” curriculum, which based on lifestyle medicine, culinary education, and the interconnectedness between healthy food habits and mental health.

Chris Coronado


Project Site: The Uma Center of Tulsa (UMA)

Chris’ project will support participants’ health outcomes through lifestyle medicine education and self-advocacy workshops.

Hayden Kingfisher


Project Site: Cherokee Immersion School

Hayden’s project aims to support students and the broader community in fostering healthy lifestyles and preventing diabetes, incorporating traditional foods and activities.

Quinn Leffingwell + Hannah Appleseth


Project Site: Addiction Recovery Clinic- Legacy

Hannah and Quinn’s project supports family members implicated in a family member’s substance misuse in navigating stigmatizing, confusing, and frustrating experiences they often experience. This project will build upon the current curriculum developed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), along with the services provided by OSU Addiction Recovery Clinic.

Dalton Long + Allison Long


Project Site: Be Heard

Allison and Dalton’s projects supports the unhoused clients and staff team at Be Heard to navigate the legal system and improve health outcomes.

MacKenzie Toliver


Project Site: Tulsa Birth Equity Initiative

MacKenzie’s project supports new and expecting parents to build their skills and confidence navigating the healthcare system.

Madison Tytanic + Carleen Perez


Project Site: Amplify Youth Health Collective

Carleen and Madison’s project will use education, resource sharing and support to support the Latinx community in addressing STIs and sigma surrounding discussions about sexual health.

Cali Sweazea


Project Site: Sequoyah High School

Cali’s project supports high school students in preventing dating violence through workshops based on an evidenced-based curriculum called “Dating Matters”.

Roya Taraby


Project Site: Tulsa Health Department-Community Outreach Program

Roya’s project aims to increase diabetes prevention within Tulsa’s Burmese population.

Andy Danison


Project Site: Key Elementary School, Tulsa Public Schools

Andy implemented a STEM education program with students, with a focus on using 3D printed dinosaur skeletons as an entry point into fostering excitement about science.

Jenn Garcia


Project Site: Eagle Ops Foundation

Jenn supported Eagle Ops’ mission of connecting participants with meaningful community resources, with a focus on mental health supports.

Xavier Graves


Project Site: Tulsa Honor Academy

Xavier guided the school’s efforts to build deeper trust and impact by using restorative justice practices.

Graham Jameison

Graham Jameison


Project Site: Sapulpa High School

Graham, with project collaborator Triston Hopkins, implemented a healthy lifestyle initiative with student athletes.

Amy McGehee


Project Site: Youth Services of Tulsa

Amy launched a six week support circle for parents and caregivers of gender diverse youth and established a local chapter of a national non-profit organization PFLAG to ensure the program’s sustainability and continued impact.

Chika Nwanebu


Project Site: Monroe Middle School

Chika launched an after-school cooking class so students could build skills, foster community and explore healthy and delicious food.

Carolina Quijada


Project Site: Uma Tulsa

Carol implemented a health advocacy initiative to support participants in building skills and confidence to access health services.

Stephanie Rogers Van Nortwick


Project Site: City of Tahlequah, Cherokee County Health Services Council

Stephanie launched a Walk with a Doc program, to promote socialization and healthy lifestyle habits.

Camden Schinnerer


Project Site: YWCA

Camden designed and taught healthy lifestyle workshops with new refugees living in the Tulsa community.

Allisyn Shed


Project Site: NeoHealth Women’s Care Center

Allisyn designed and implemented a breastfeeding education program to support soon-to-be and new parents to build community and access the skills and knowledge they desired in their parenting and baby-feeding journey.

Jordan Siegel


Project Site: Town and Country School

Jordan designed and implemented a healthy lifestyle initiative to support students and their families to find joy and confidence in cooking, and connect with community resources.

Kelli Swank


Project Site: Tahlequah Middle School

Kelli designed an anti-vaping program using several evidenced-based curricula to support students in making healthy choices that aligned with their own goals.

Bek Urban and Kimberly Osborn


Project Site: Oklahoma Eating Disorders Association

Bek and Kimberly designed and implemented a support group for folks with disordered eating and fostered resource sharing, training and support among practitioners across Oklahoma.

Catherine Browne

University of Tulsa, D.N.P. Nurse Anesthesia

Project Site: The Tulsa Dream Center

Catherine’s project addresses chronic disease prevention and management with clients at the Tulsa Dream Center.

Austin Stewart

University of Tulsa College of Law, J.D.

Project Site: The Tulsa County Public Defender’s Office

Austin’s project connects incarcerated people charged with low level drug offenses with rehabilitation, housing, and physical resources at the beginning of their time in Department of Corrections custody, rather than addressing those needs at the tail end of their incarceration.

Paul Delgado

Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, D.O.

Project Site: The Uma Center of Tulsa

Paul’s project increases awareness about the importance of maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and prioritizing wellbeing among the Hispanic/Latinx Tulsa community.

Natalie Frech

University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (Tulsa), M.P.H. Health Promotion Sciences

Project Site: The Lindsey House

Natalie’s project uses a nutrition-based, client-driven approach to support the development of the food pantry at Lindsey House, to support Lindsey House residents make healthier food choices, build healthier habits, and take more steps toward self-care and wellness.

Deseree Jones

Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, D.O.

Project Site: Phoenix Rising Alternative School

Deseree’s project is designed to inspire and empower at -risk teens to learn about and pursue careers in healthcare.

Sadie Schiffmacher and Shaelyn Ward

Oklahoma State University College of Medicine, D.O.

Project Site: Cherokee Elementary School in Tahlequah

Sadie and Shaelyn’s project provides resources for teachers and families with children with autism, as well as raise awareness about autism. Their project will help families in rural areas develop a better understanding of autism spectrum disorder.

Mohamad “Bisher” Akel and Lana Mnajjed

OU-TU School of Community Medicine, M.D.

Project Site: The Islamic Society of Tulsa

Bisher and Lana’s project works with the the Muslim refugee populations in Tulsa. The project provides education related to food and health maintenance and improvement.

Alec Camacho and Andrew Wilburn

OU-TU School of Community Medicine, M.D.

Project Site: Sequoia Elementary, Tulsa Public Schools

Alec and Andy’s project expands STEM/Medical Pipeline programs to elementary school students through mentorship and educational activities.

Abbey Renner (1997-2021) – in memoriam

OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine

Project site: Xavier Medial Clinic
Abbey designed and led a hands-on diabetes education program that facilitated knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for diabetes self-care.

Anna Shadid and Austin Milton

OU School of Community Medicine

Project Site: Lindsey House
Anna and Austin will implement a curriculum for women and children living in the Lindsey House based on the four self-care pillars of lifestyle medicine: nutrition, physical activity, stress, and sleep.

Auston Stiefer, Schweitzer Fellow Cohort 6

Auston Stiefer

OU School of Community Medicine

Project Site: Bedlam Clinic
Auston’s project promotes health literacy about vaccinations among Spanish-speaking immigrant populations at the Bedlam free clinic. He will do this through individual dialogic sessions and evidence-based frameworks using adult learning theory in language-diverse populations.

Autumn Tiller

OU School of Urban Design

Project Site: Central High School
Autumn will provide students from marginalized communities with a multidisciplinary curriculum that sparks their interest in pursuing professional fields involving the built environment.

Elizabeth Soo and Hannah Bynum

OU School of Community Medicine

Project Site: McLain High School
Elizabeth and Hannah will address healthy eating and healthy food access with students at McLain High School.

Jennifer Weston

OSU Human Development and Family Studies

Project Site: Osher Lifetime Learning Institute (OLLI)
Jennifer’s project addresses the need for later life planning by providing community education covering Advance Directives, Healthcare Proxies, and the importance of establishing a will and planning for decline/long term care, as well as the end of life. This project will serve older adults in the Tulsa community who may otherwise not have access to this information.

Joanna George

TU Healthcare Delivery Sciences / Business Administration

Project Site: Street School
Joanna’s initiative connects with underserved high school students to integrate health literacy concepts within their health classes and current financial literacy requirements, especially as unforeseen medical expenses are one of the primary causes of financial instability but are not usually discussed in this course.

Kelsey Snider and Sydney Blevins

OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine

Project Site: The Healthy Start Program at the Community Service Council of Tulsa
Kelsey and Sydney will provided interactive workshops to pre-and post-natal women about alcohol and smoking cessation, basic parenting skills, the importance of prenatal nutrition, and postpartum awareness.

Mackenzie Moody

OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine

Project Site: OSU Women’s Health Clinic
Mackenzie’s project supports women who have faced disparities and bias relating to their healthcare experiences, to improve their pregnancy outcomes. By administering Hope screening to expecting mothers, Mackenzie will work with women who have low hope scores to address trauma, insecurities, and attachment styles as they move into motherhood.

Stephanie Myers

OSU Center for Health Sciences Biomedical Sciences

Project Site: Nathan Hale Junior High School
Stephanie’s project addresses the need for mentorship and exposure to STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education in communities in North Tulsa, primarily focusing on 7th and 8th grade students. The project’s goal is to increase student engagement in STEM education by building resilience and tackling STEM barriers.

Andrew O’Neil


Andrew’s project addresses the rural HIV epidemic in Oklahoma. The collaboration is in partnership with Hope Testing and uses individual conversations and action-planning with participants to increase testing access and related preventative health efforts in rural Oklahoma.

Anh Lam

OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY – College of Osteopathic Medicine

Anh’s project, in partnership with 12&12, integrates substance use disorder treatment into primary care by engaging those in recovery for substance use disorder in learning about primary care topics and preventive medicine.

Deirdra Kelly and Sydney Wyatt

UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA – School of Community Medicine

Sydney and Deirdra’s project addresses the health disparities between North and South Tulsa by providing education and support to address hypertension in partnership with the Tisdale Clinic.

Erin Jackson and Alyssa Lindsay

OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY – College of Osteopathic Medicine

Erin and Alyssa’s project provides mentorship, guidance and early exposure to the health sciences for underserved students from the north Tulsa community, in partnership with Sankofa Middle School.

Hana Clancy

UNIVERSITY OF TULSA – Athletic Training

Hana’s project focuses on trauma-informed mental healthcare of high school student athletes with high adverse childhood experiences by building relationships with peer and adult allies in order to strengthen resilience.

Harsh Patel and Kathryn Martin

UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA – School of Community Medicine

Harsh and Kathyrn’s project teaches young learners in Tulsa Public Schools accessible skills related to mindfulness and breathing to enable them to care for their mind and well-being in times of stress, anxiety or great emotion.

Maggie Penny


Maggie’s project, in partnership with the Community Service Council of Tulsa, improves the lives of Tulsa-based veteran spouses by availing them to renewed hope, opportunities, and resources. The project uses group-based interactive education program called Veterans Spouse Resiliency Group.

Reagan Collins and Hartley Russell

UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA – Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy

Reagan and Hartley’s project, based at the Center for Individuals with Physical Challenges, uses hands-on nutrition, wellness and cooking education to address the disparity between guidance and resources for the general population versus individuals with physical challenges.

Stephen Klaassen and Michael Crockett

UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA – School of Community Medicine

Stephen and Micheal’s project enhances health literacy and the pursuit of health careers by teaching relevant and dynamic health education topics to secondary education students at Union High School who otherwise would not have access to these topics.

Taje Jackson


Taje’s project, in partnership with Amplify Tulsa, addresses the teen pregnancy rates within Tulsa County by fostering conversations about sexual health and education with parents/trusted adults and teens.


Angela Clifton

Oklahoma State University – College of Osteopathic Medicine

Angela’s project addressed communication skills with women who are part of Women in Recovery (WIR), an alternative to incarceration program. Angela developed and implemented a workshop series based on the book Crucial Conversations and worked with staff to integrate the curriculum into the WIR program.

Autumn Slaughter

University of Tulsa – Department of Psychology

Autumn’s project taught adolescents with mental health disorders how to cope with difficult emotions by using poetry, through a partnership with Parkside Hospital and Poetic Justice.

Catherine McGough

University of Tulsa – Department of Speech-Language Pathology

Catherine’s project was at Clarehouse, which provides quality end-of-life care to those in need. Her project provided dying individuals and their families meaning and comfort through story-sharing.

E’ula Green

E’ula’s project addressed food insecurity in North Tulsa through education and community gardening, in partnership with Food on the Move.

[E’ula is pictured here with project collaborator Rockolyn Daniels.]

Gabrielle Cozart and Emily Gore

University of Tulsa – Department of Speech-Language Pathology

Gabrielle and Emily’s project provided literacy support to youth living at St. Elizabeth Lodge, a transitional living facility. The goal of their project was to increase participants’ self-confidence, teach them to set personal goals, and foster their school success.

[Gabrielle and Emily are pictured here with Fellow Cassie McGough]

Julianne Clark

University of Tulsa – School of Art

Julie’s project engaged students at Will Rogers High School with extracurricular learning opportunities that synthesize science and visual art through gardening. The goal of her project was to foster confidence, creative thinking and career-readiness.

Katelyn Willis

University of Tulsa – College of Law

Katelyn’s project, in partnership with Communities in Schools, empowered at-risk students to identify career paths about which they are passionate and take concrete steps to achieve their goals.

Toni Nigro

Oklahoma State University – College of Osteopathic Medicine

Toni’s project brought science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education to elementary school girls in Tulsa. Toni partnered with the Tulsa STEM Alliance and After Opp, to inspire participants to pursue STEM careers and foster their confidence through interactive, hands-on activities and conversations with real-life professionals.

Trang Kieu

University of Oklahoma – School of Community Medicine

Trang’s project addressed the importance of seniors’ completing and understanding Advanced Directives. Trang works with clients and patients at the Bedlam Clinic and The Center for Individuals with Physical Challenges to establish end-of-life plans through education workshops and individual support.

Alec Bracken

University of Tulsa – College of Law

Alec’s project taught students at Will Rogers High School about their legal rights – with a focus on immigration, criminal justice, healthcare and other topics most relevant to their lives. His project was in partnership with Communities in Schools.

Alex Button

University of Tulsa – Doctor of Nurse Practice

Alex launched an effort to improve the rate at which homeless adults in Tulsa with low health literacy take their medications, in partnership with the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless.

Ashten Duncan

University of Oklahoma – School of Community Medicine and College of Public Health

Ashten’s project leveraged hope in Tulsa’s chronically and transiently homeless to promote more successful transitions to stable housing. He is partnered with the Mental Health Association of Oklahoma.

Erin Anderson

University of Tulsa – Department of Speech-Language Pathology

Erin designed and launched a Sibling Support workshop series, in partnership with The Little Lighthouse, to address the emotional needs of siblings of children with special needs.

Iman Chaudhry and Ashley Sells

University of Oklahoma – School of Community Medicine and College of Allied Health

Iman and Ashley’s project provided fitness and nutrition classes for Muslim women in the Tulsa area, in partnership with the YWCA. Their project gave participants a platform on which they could comfortably learn fitness skills and techniques to become empowered to take a more active role in their health.

Jess Westcott and Brendon Glon

Oklahoma State University – Counseling Psychology

Jess and Brendon’s Schweitzer project was housed at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center. Jess and Brendon designed and taught workshops for peers and families of LGBTQ+ Oklahomas called Peers for Queers, and launched a mental health referral line, staffed by Jess, Brendon and a team of graduate-level students who they trained in specialized, culturally competent best practices.

Katie Nelson

University of Tulsa – Department of Speech-Language Pathology

Katie’s project provided foundational literacy skills for children and their families through individualized and hands-on educational tools. Her site partner was Communities in Schools at Kendall-Whittier Elementary School.

Mollie Rischard Kimrey

University of Tulsa – Department of Psychology

Mollie’s project was a trauma-focused group psychotherapy program with children at Positive Changes, a day treatment psychiatric facility, to address their symptoms of post-traumatic stress. Mollie’s project provided an efficient and feasible means for participants to improve their overall functioning and promote resiliency, as well as a framework for Positive Change staff members to be trained in this modality.

Patrick Grayshaw

Oklahoma State University – Human Development and Family Science

Patrick’s project, in partnership with the North Tulsa Community Coalition, launched a Dialogue to Action effort that allowed community members to come together to address their common health needs. The project involved a diverse group of residents who gathered ideas, shared experiences, and developed action plans using an asset-based community development framework.

Ashley Harvey and Brooke Tuttle

Brooke and Ashley developed and implemented Oklahoma’s first juvenile detention facility-housed family resilience program, with a goal of breaking the cycle of intergenerational crime. The project, which continues today, is based at the Tulsa County Family Center for Juvenile Justice. It is rooted in the science that family is among the largest protective factors for kids who are at risk for delinquency.

Athena Chatzigiannidis

Oklahoma State University – College of Osteopathic Medicine

Athena’s project, housed at Jenks East Intermediate School, addressed nutritional needs and classroom confidence with fifth-grade refugee students and their families. The project involved a mentorship program focused on developing and caring for an after-school community garden.

Dr. Chris McNeil, FFL '07

Christopher McNeil

Oklahoma State University – College of Osteopathic Medicine

Christopher’s project, based at the Hutcherson YMCA and in partnership with McLain High School, addressed food insecurity among high school students in North Tulsa. His project uses fitness, nutrition, and entrepreneurship to help students thrive in their environment. The goal of the project was to give students the skills to solve problems creatively and sustain healthy lifestyle habits and increase their financial stability. Several project participants obtained personal training certification through the project and were later hired at local fitness centers.

Devin Howell

University of Tulsa – School of Art

Devin’s project, housed at the Resonance Center for Women, was an art program that coincided with group therapy for residents working through addiction. The goals of the project were to empower women through learning new skills, foster a sense of community, and provide an environment where the participants could explore creative expression.

Ekene Ezenwa and Raye Reeder

University of Oklahoma – School of Community Medicine and College of Public Health

Ekene and Raye’s project, housed at the Carrera Adolescent Prevention Program at Union Public Schools, provided health education, mentorship and exposure to medical professions to high school students. Ekene and Raye worked with participants to create and deliver health education workshops for middle school students and gave them hands-on experience in a medical school simulation lab. This initiative helped participants develop confidence in their leadership and give them health education experience to shape their lifelong health and career choices.

Emily Kibler

University of Tulsa – Department of Speech-Language Pathology

Emily’s projected, housed at the Parent Child Center of Tulsa, provided parents with education, resources and support to create a healthy home environment to establish early prevention and intervention of speech, language and literacy development for their children.

Leslie Briggs

University of Tulsa – College of Law

Leslie’s project, in partnership with Communities in Schools and Daniel Webster High School, introduced restorative justice practices to public high school students involved in school-based conflicts. The project utilized stress and anger management tools to enable students to re-focus on restoring the harm caused. The goal of the project was to lower rates of school suspension, drop-outs and incarceration.

MacGyver Norris and Kristen Faucett

University of Oklahoma – College of Allied Health

Kristin and MacGyver partnered with the St. Jude Affiliate Clinic at St. Francis Children’s Hospital and the Tandy YMCA to support children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia achieve wellness through their treatment. Through this project, MacGyver and Kristen targeted both the physical and mental aspects of health in order to counter the effects of chemotherapy treatments. The project goal was to allow participants to finish treatment not just cancer-free, but also healthy.

Mary Clancy

University of Tulsa – Department of Speech-Language Pathology

Mary’s project, in partnership with Lindsey House, enabled homeless women living in transitional housing to gain the skills and confidence to be active in their children’s learning and education through hands-on training. The project involves classes on language development, language stimulation and parental involvement in homework.

Mayra Salazar

Oklahoma State University – College of Osteopathic Medicine

Mayra’s project was housed at Sequoyah Memorial Hospital in Sallisaw, Oklahoma. Mayra educated, supported and empowered patients dealing with diabetes and hypertension. The goal of her project was to support her participants to make healthier choices and effectively manage their illnesses.

Sunshine Graham

Langston University – Department of Rehabilitation Counseling and Disability Studies

Sunshine developed and led a psychoeducation group therapy series to support people with diabetes or pre-diabetes and who experience physical challenges, who were clients at The Center for Individuals with Physical Challenges. The goal of the project was for participants to gain control of their disease and achieve self-efficacy.

Danielle Zanotti

University of Tulsa – Department of Psychology

Danielle’s project, housed at The Coffee Bunker, was a parenting skills program for veterans. The goal was to support participants to strengthen parenting skills and confidence, and gain developmentally appropriate knowledge about what to expect from their children.

Jim Scholl

University of Tulsa – Department of Psychology

Jim’s project was housed at Community Health Connection, Inc., a federally qualified health center in Tulsa. Jim supported the integration of behavioral health care in a primary care clinic setting and coordinated care for the medical and behavioral health concerns of underserved patients in the Kendall-Whittier neighborhood and surrounding areas.

Meredith Wyatt and Paul Abbey

University of Oklahoma – College of Allied Health

Using a neighborhood-based strategy, Meredith and Paul created and taught student leadership workshops and facilitated student-identified civic projects to reduce truancy behaviors, increase conflict avoidance and resolution skills, and enhance well-being among vulnerable youth. Their project was in partnership with the Carrera Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program at Union Public Schools

Michael Sutton

Oklahoma State University – College of Osteopathic Medicine

Michael established a diabetes management education program at the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless. The goal of the project was to provide education to participants on prevention, and ultimately support them to improve their health outcomes.

Olivia Shadid

University of Oklahoma – School of Community Medicine

Olivia’s project connected participants – mainly families in the Kendall Whittier neighborhood –  with community resources, wellness tools, and the healthcare system. Her project involved wellness activities and provided education to compel families to be more active participants in their own health care journey. Olivia partnered with the Educare Family Health Project.

Shannon McBeath Delaney

Oklahoma State University – College of Osteopathic Medicine

Shannon developed and directed a Deaf Teen Club at TSHA, the Total Source for Hearing-loss and Access. Her project addressed isolationism among participants, and supported their increase self-esteem, community involvement, leadership, and hope for the future.


Timothy Nissen

Oklahoma State University – College of Osteopathic Medicine

Tim’s project, called “Play with your Food”,  taught nutrition and wellness to Tulsa elementary school students through play-based activities. By the end of the project, participants had a decrease in sugar intake, an increase fresh fruit and vegetable intake, and reported much more day-to-day physical activity. His project was in partnership with the YMCA, Crossroads Community Center and several Tulsa-area public schools.

Vanessa Garcia

University of Oklahoma – College of Public Health

Vanessa led a diabetes education project at Community Health Connection, Inc., and launched a Walk with a Doc series. Participants achieved lower A1C levels and BMIs, and developed tools and confidence to manage their diabetes.


Zachary Giano

Oklahoma State University – Human Development and Family Studies

Zach’s project, called S.T.E.P. (Support and Tutoring Enrichment Program), provided families living in transitional housing with 1:1 tutoring services for adolescents and monthly enrichment seminars for older teens and adults, addressing topics such as budget management, parenting support, and resume building. His project was housed at Circle of Care – Pearl’s Hope.

Thinking of Applying?

Be in touch if you’d like to set up a meeting to share your project idea or brainstorm where to begin. Check out current and past projects here, and see if this FAQ answers your questions.

What is the Albert Schweitzer Fellowship?